Canberra Region Feltmakers |
Workshop terms and conditionsA 50% deposit is payable at the time of booking to secure your place. The balance of the workshop fee is payable 6 weeks before the workshop. An invoice will be sent at this time. If for any reason the workshop is cancelled, all payments will be fully refunded. If you notify the Workshop Co-ordinator that you are unable to attend the workshop more that 6 weeks before the workshop, 10% of the workshop fee is not refundable. If you notify the Workshop Co-ordinator that you are unable to attend the workshop less than 6 weeks before the workshop, 10% of the workshop fee is not refundable and the remainder of monies paid will only be refunded if the workshop place is able to be filled. The Workshop Co-ordinator keeps a waitlist and people on the waitlist will be given first option to take a workshop place that becomes available. There is some capacity to vary these arrangements in cases of hardship at the discretion of the Workshop Co-ordinator and CRF Executive. All workshop participants are expected to help set up and pack up the workshop room. |