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Canberra Region Feltmakers

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Bags of Colour with Helen MacRitchie

  • 5 Apr 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • 6 Apr 2025
  • 4:30 PM
  • Kambah Scout Hall, Kett Street, Kambah ACT (next to the Burns Club)
  • 1


  • Discounted price for CRF members
  • Workshop fee for people who are not CRF members



A fabulous two day workshop exploring felting, embellishing and bag construction.

Enjoy a day’s play with wet and dry pre-felts, designing with colour wheel challenges in mind.

Discover the fun of hand embroidery at the pre-felt stage before collaging, refining and fully felting the design. Learn how to turn that unique fabric into a variety of zipped pouches and bags using a simple and adaptable pattern. In doing so, discover the range of battings and notions used in bag making and how they can best be combined with wet felted material. 

We anticipate that participants will produce one or two zipped bags depending on size and level of decoration.


Helen MacRitchie is a textile artist based in the UK, exhibiting in the UK and Sydney, Australia.

Helen often employs wool felt in her practice, drawing satisfaction from the transformational process and close physical connection that occurs through the hand manipulation of wet felting. This medium allows her artistic vision to be expressed sculpturally as desired. The blend of other fabrics and mixed media with felt presents further interest through play on differences in surface texture, opacity and rigidity. Machine and hand embroidery further enhances the medium by providing both highlighted detail and subtle blending to a work; both distinct line and sympathetic shading. It brings a painterly finesse to an organically formed material.

Find out more about Helen's work by visiting her website.

Other information

Skill Level

Workshop assumes basic wet felting knowledge and requires a working sewing machine with basic and zipper feet. The use of a free machine embroidery foot is optional.

What to bring:

 Please refer to this materials list to find out what materials and equipment you will need to bring along to this workshop. Specific bag making notions eg. batting, zips and pulls can be purchased in the workshop.

Cancellations: see Workshop Terms and Conditions.

Canberra Region Feltmakers Inc

Meetings:  Scout Hall, Kett Street Kambah, ACT

(next door to The Burns Club)

Post:  PO Box 455 Curtin ACT 2605

ABN: 16 718 242 055

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