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Canberra Region Feltmakers

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Our Workshops and other training

Our workshops generally run for one or two days, which allows for extended development of skills and work on larger projects.

Skill shares are shorter events for members led by our members for members and focused on a particular technique or topic. Information is shared, questions are answered and we all learn from each other.

We keep our groups small to allow everyone to have some personal attention from the tutor. Our tutors are experienced felt makers from the local region as well as visiting tutors from other parts of Australia and the world. 

Places can fill fast so don't delay booking.


Workshops for beginners are run 2-3 times a year. If there are no beginners workshops listed, add yourself to our Beginners Feltmaking waitlist to receive an email when bookings for the next beginners workshop open.

Waiting list

If a workshop is full you can still use the workshop booking form to put your name on the waiting list. If places become available they are offered to people on the waiting list in the order their bookings were received.

Canberra Region Feltmakers Inc

Meetings:  Scout Hall, Kett Street Kambah, ACT

(next door to The Burns Club)

Post:  PO Box 455 Curtin ACT 2605

ABN: 16 718 242 055

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